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Chinese translation for "talking in your sleep"


Related Translations:
nonrapid eye movement sleep:  非快速眼动睡眠
free talk:  圣迷生活随便的谈话闲谈杂论
of talking:  谈话的
global talk:  全球对话
top talks:  最高级会谈。
talk channel:  通话电路通话信道
bilateral talks:  双边会谈
talking path:  通话回路
talk radio:  谈话广播节目。
talking key:  通话电键通话键
Example Sentences:
1.I heard you talk in your sleep last night .
2.You are talking in your sleep
“你是在说梦话吧! ”
3.Do you ever talk in your sleep
4.You re talking in your sleep .
你在说梦话。 ”
5.If you want your spouse to listen and strict attention to every word you say , talk in your sleep
6." tom , you pitch around and talk in your sleep so much that you keep me awake half the time . " tom blanched and dropped his eyes
一天,吃早饭时,希德说: “汤姆,你翻来覆去,还说梦话,我给你搞得一夜只睡了半夜的觉。 ”
Similar Words:
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